The Animals' Battalion involves itself in a great many forms of companion animal advocacy, from attending animal cruelty cases to lobbying for anti-declawing legislation and pro-TNR (Trap Neuter Return) legislation. We work diligently to support and advocate for animal rescues in any way possible.
Companion animals are our closest connection to the animal kingdom. Concern for their well-being can be a gateway for an individual to learn about many more animal issues and can foster a sense of responsibility, protection and endearment for all fauna. How can someone who loves cats go to a circus where lions and tigers are whipped into submission? How can a dog lover wear fur which is basically the remains of their companion's wild cousins? How can a rabbit guardian eat meat, wear fur or support animal experimentation when their companion is a victim of these very industries? If we want a better world for all animals, we need to start with a strong ethical foundation in the way we treat those members of the animal kingdom in closest proximity to us.